qUESTIONS & answers

On this page, you will find the answers to questions you might have about the program.

However, you can contact us with any request for additional information you may need, at the following e-mail address:

The deadline to apply to the call for project is November 20th at 12pm.

October 12th – Launch of the call for project: opening of the application platform.

November 20th – Closing of the call for project: closing of the application platform at 12pm. Business teams start reviewing the applications received for pre-selection. The most relevant candidates are selected for the final phase of the selection process.

December 1st – Preselection committee: internal meeting to review applications and to shorlist the candidates that will be invited to present the proposition before the jury.

December 15th – Selection jury: the shortlisted companies are invited to pitch in front of a jury, present their proposal and explain how it meets the need(s) of the business team. The best of them is then designated as the winner.

From the end of December 2023 or January 2024  Experimentation phase: start of the collaboration between the winner and Mobilize Financial Services for the pilot phase.

The current call for project is open to all start-ups and innovative SMEs able to adress the proposed topics.
Consortia are allowed.single application form must be submitted, in the name of the main applicant. The members of the group must be mentioned and described in the application file to be attached to the form. The role of each member of the consortium must be explained.

To apply:

Your application, once received, will be evaluated according to the criteria specified for the call for project (refer to the dedicated page).

Only complete applications (online form + attachment) will be taken into account by the project teams.

We provide an application template for the call for project.

An application template is a proposal for a response framework. It contains the key elements we need in order to assess your application. However, it is left to you to adapt it as you see fit.

You must attach this presentation to your online application form.

You can use any Word, PowerPoint, etc.

For your application, you should use French or English.
The main criteria are: the relevance of the proposed project, your ability to conduct experiments and the prospects for collaboration with Mobilize Financial Services.

You can find more information here (slides 8 to 10).

IT standards involve the need to comply with specific security constraints, for the implementation of a new tool within the group. These standards will be further specified in a second step.
Following the analysis of the applications received, the challenge organizers select the projects to be auditioned for the final selection (jury).
The winner selected at the end of the auditions participate in the experimentation phase, to conduct a pilot with the project team.
For the call for project, the budget for the development of the pilot/POC is up to a maximum of €25,000.
The candidate will have to draw up an operational plan specifying the degree of investment they expect from Mobilize Financial Services (human and financial resources, etc.).
To facilitate a smooth and effective pilot, the project team is committed to providing all pertinent data, information, and support deemed essential for the successful execution of the pilot.
For this first phase (pilote), the number of users is limited, but Mobilize Financial Services wants to have an overview of the costs for different volumes of users, in case of a large-scale implementation (in number of users and access level if applicable).
At the end of the experimentation phase, if the pilot is deemed relevant and conclusive, then Mobilize Financial Services could consider awarding a contract or consider any other form of partnership with the designer of the solution to make it a sustainable tool, with a dedicated budget.
Just refer to the pages dedicated to the call for project: Predictive Maintenance 
The information is also listed in the application template provided on this page. 

For the Elasticsearch question, we have an Enterprise Platinum subscription. All solution components are activated.

The input data for Elastic encompasses a variety of types, including application logs, system metrics, and application performance monitoring (APM). These data types arrive in multiple formats like text, CSV, JSON, and Java, among others. The integration process into Elastic databases is responsible for standardizing all data into the JSON format.

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